Say Owl City
What comes to mind is
Soft yet catchy tunes
Songs best heard all alone at night
Say Hip-Hop and Rap
And it's everything opposite of Owl City
What they have in common together?
Virtually nothing
But Owl City's latest hit
Alligator Sky
Combined typical Owl City's tunes with rap
And the outcome
Far from disastrous
Somewhat surprising
Is fusion
We live in a world of fusion
Even more
We live in a country of fusion
From the food we eat
To the language we speak
What's more interesting
Can be a food
Penang rojak
Can be a language as well
Bahasa rojak
Away from sounding so patriotic
We need fusions in our lives as well
Everyone view and do things differently
Why all those repelling and eliminating?
Sometimes we could look at it in a different way
Try to understand and accept each other's way
If everyone in a group is doing things your way
Would it spell chaos?
We need all sorts of people
Adding and subtracting each others' strengths and weaknesses
This is fusion
Sometimes it don't necessarily be
1 + 1 = 2
It could be
1 + 1 > 2
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